Activate your audience, like the native indians did

Axel Zaar
March 2, 2023
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Activate your audience, like the native indians did

Listening to what a group of individuals have to say has always been relevant. The Indians never made a decision before the whole tribe had a chance to speak. Today, most societies are governed by democracy, which is basically based on the fact that everyone has the right to have their voice heard. Activating your audience has a number of benefits that have been proven time over time throughout the history.

Today we have the technology to gather data digitally at everything from large conferences to smaller meetings, even do a poll for an entire arena or why not a TV audience. Geographical location no longer matters. With today's cloud-based interactive solutions, everyone can participate on the same terms no matter where in the world they are.

Almost everyone walks around with a powerful computer in their pocket in the form of a smartphone, this has opened up new possibilities. The time has come to make your meeting or live event an exciting experience where your audience can participate through interactivity.

Organizers have big gains to make by planning interactivity into their events. The participants also benefit from interactivity by first and foremost learning more, but also the feeling that their voice is both heard and used, which of course creates a completely different commitment.


What you as a sender have for the purpose of your event is of course very different, but regardless of the purpose, interactivity will make you better achieve your specific purposes and goals. But it is very important to have your purpose and goal clear as a sender because it will affect how you should think when planning your event, lecture, training or whatever it is that is to be created.

We will briefly go through some of the most common goals and what direct benefits interactivity contributes.

If you want to spread a message, your recipients will receive the message better because they will have an increased commitment by participating. If you compare with a traditional lecture, the audience sits and listens passively, purely pedagogically it is of course completely reprehensible.

If you want to collect information, today there are much better opportunities to collect relevant data through free text, for example. In the past, it has been expensive mentometer systems with complicated hardware that have had to be rented in and the only thing you get in the end is an anonymous number between 1-10. Alternatively, post-it notes stored in a box. Today it is possible to see exactly who thinks what in a specific question. This opens up to be able to call in exactly what you as a sender are looking for.

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Axel Zaar

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