Supporting your event strategy

As experts in event planning, we highly value your experience in orchestrating successful events. Our platform is designed to seamlessly support you throughout the entire event process, from ideation to execution. With tailored features and functionality at each step, we aim to complement your expertise, making event planning a smoother experience for you.



Clear objectives and goals

Before the event


Know your target audience or your participants

Who is this for?



Consider Twebcast when budgeting, so that it aligns with the extent of support you desire to turn your vision into a reality.


Event planning and logistics

We know that event planning and logistics is A LOT. And we can’t help you with everything, but we can help you A LOT.  Everything from invitations, registration, communication, interactions and overall participant handling. We encourage you to do it all with us and eliminate the need for multiple Excel sheets or using various platforms for a single event.



Maybe a marketing strategy is not needed for all events. But to create a buzz and a fuzz is always a plus, and why not use a Twebcast website or app to do it. Release information before the event, communicate through the platform and brand it how you want to create that excitement before the event.



You can handle the entire registration process and gather information directly through our platform. You can easily manage, edit, and update this data as needed. When it's time for the event, you can also use our check-in function to track attendees and determine who has arrived.


Technology and interactivity

We are your tech support, friend, and tool before, during, and after the event. We are made to be it all for your needs. Keep engaging the audience before and during the event with quizzes, word clouds, polls, and food/drink tickets, just to mention a few of our many features. (read more about our interactive sessions here)


Feedback and follow-up

The experience doesn’t have to end just because the event is over. Prolong the experience or use our digital tool to follow - up. Create a survey directly in Twebcast to gather valuable data from your participants. Or create a social feed, photo wall, or a summarized video from the event where your participants can enjoy the experience a little bit longer.


Continuous improvements

You have full access to the event data and all answers from your participants. This is priceless so that we can create even more incredible events together the next time.