Moderator control

If you are a moderator in an E-meet you can start/stop an E-meet and control who is broadcasted at each moment, to share somebody's desktop etc .

In this resource:

  1. Why moderator control
  2. How to

1. Why moderator control

  • To broadcast speakers to live stream.
  • To control stream settings and participants video/sound/desktopsharing etc.

2. How to

To start an e-meet, click on 'Open E-meeting controls' and toggle 'Start E-meeting'.

To start to stream yourself, click on your profile under category 'Moderators'. Click on the broadcast icon.

When a participant requests to speak, the moderators will get a notification, and the participant will appear at the top of the list under 'Participants'. Click on the participant to open controls, click on the broadcast icon to start streaming the participant.